Out of my love for the music of J.S. Bach, many of my compositions are written in neo-baroque style. Here you will find several organ works that I have composed and would like to share.
If you would like to order a copy of a work, please send me a message. Payments via Paypal can be sent to either of the following addresses:
EU € - tessmanmusic <at> gmail . com
US $ - awt060912 <at> gmail . com
Or payments can be made here:
Please let me know if you would like to use another form of payment (IBAN, for example). The works along with a receipt will be sent in .pdf form via email.
Fugue in A Minor, "Яблочко" / Yablochko
Copyright 2018 Andrew W. Tessman
A fugue with variations, composed on the "Russian Sailors' Dance," whose melody stems from Reinhold Glière. Further information can be found on this page (Blog).
Video of the work (with score)
Price: 2,00€ Duration: 11 minutes

Prelude and Fugue in G Major, "Kreuz" (cross)
Copyright 2016 Andrew W. Tessman
This composition was composed from New Years Eve until the premier on 23 January 2016, where Tessman performed it as the opening work of his first concert of the newly founded concert series in Heilg Kreuz
Price: 2,00€ Duration: about 7:30 minutes

Prelude and Fugue in A Major, "Hochzeit" (wedding)​
Copyright 2010 Andrew W. Tessman​
The prelude was composed 2008 as the processional for the wedding of Tessman's eldest sister. The fugue was completed within the following months. Using a particular notation method, the fugue subject was created using the letters of his sister's name.
Price: 2,00€ Duration: 6 - 6:30 minutes
Prelude ONLY: 1,50€ (about 2 minutes)

Copyright 2015 Andrew W. Tessman
This is a composition, written in 2015 for 20-year anniversary concert of the Goll-Organ in the College for Protestant church music in Bayreuth. The theme is derived from the well-known, traditional German canon "Viel Glück und viel Segen", which is often sung at birthdays.
Video of the Work
Price: 1,50€ Duration: 4 minutes

Fugue on "We wish you a Merry Christmas"
(from my ongoing project of "24 Christmas pieces", A-flat Major)
Copyright 2013 Andrew W. Tessman
Die Fugue was composed as the recessional to the Christmas Eve masses in 2012. Tessman was still Organist at Our Lady of Peace (Minneapolis, Minnesota) at the time, where it was tradition during the earlier service, that the children's choir sang "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" after the closing hymn.
Video of the Work
Price: 2,50€ Duration: 5 minutes

Still, Still, Still ("24 Christmas pieces", B Major)
Copyright 2013 Andrew W. Tessman (Dedicated to Wendy Barton-Silhavy)
The piece on the well-known Christmas carol is dedicated to the director of music at Our Lady of Peace, with whom Tessman worked together for 8 years, because it was her favorite carol. B Major was chosen as the key for its wonderful and restful color.
Video of the Work
Price: 1,50€ Duration: 4:30-5 minutes

Mit Ernst, O Menschen Kinder ("24 Christmas Pieces", G Minor)
(Same Melody of: Von Gott will ich nicht lassen)
Copyright 2014 Andrew W. Tessman
This work was first conceived as an assignment in Tessman's improvisation lesson. The piece is in Trio-form with the cantus firmus in the pedal (alto voice).
Video of the Work
Price: 1,50€ Duration: 3 minutes

Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen ("24 Christmas Pieces", E Major)
"Lo, How a Rose e're Blooming"
Copyright 2015 Andrew W. Tessman (Dedicated to Clarissa Busch)
The story goes: my organ teacher at the time showed me a piece in E Major and said "E Major is as green as grass". Busch told me once that "Lo' how a Rose..." was her favorite Christmas Carol. The piece was composed 2014 as a Christmas gift to her and presented with the message: "Now I can give you something that matches your eyes."
Video of the Work
Price: 1,50€ Duration: 3 minutes

Veni, Veni, Emmanuel ("24 Christmas pieces", E Minor)
Copyright 2013 Andrew W. Tessman
A slow, relatively simple chorale prelude on "O come, O come, Emmanuel," in fact the first composed piece from my ongoing project of 24 pieces.
Video of the work
Price: 1,50€ Duration: ca. 3 minutes
14 Kanons über die "Goldberg" Fundament-Noten, BWV 1087
14 Canons on the "Goldberg" foundation notes, BWV 1087
Composed by Johann Sebastian Bach as a supplemental page to the Goldberg Variations. This is a transcription organ by me, also usable as a score for study.
Free download; simply click on the picture!
3 Nintendo Fugues (for piano or harpsichord)
Fugues / Composition exercises on themes from beloved video games.
Free download; simply click on the PDF-icon!
Video of the three fugues can be found here.
Fugue in E minor "Oiseaux en colère" (for piano)
Fugue on the melody from the famous Smartphone game Angry Birds.
Free download; simply click on the picture!
Video of the fugue can be found here.